It's the 3 a 1. You carry out 3 outdoor activities during your stay.
- A canoe / tubing / paddle descent in the Gorges du Tarn.
- An afternoon in the trees at the Acroparc du Mas.
- A supervised sports activity with B&ABA Sport Nature
Good deal
Our opinion :
Individualized advice to fully satisfy your desires, and adapted to the best according to your budget and abilities of each one. You benefit from one of the 2 bestseller formulas :
- Adventure 4 courses + options: discovery + adventure + tyro speed + tarzan and Tyro Splash and JUMP'air Bag
- Rando Tyro + options: Discovery course + Rando Tyro and Tyro Splash and JUMP'air Bag
and an outdoor activity with B&ABA Sport Nature, where a €2 reduction applies to the activity concerned. Choose from: water trekking, canyoning, caving, via-ferrata, etc.
Remember to book !