Acroparc du Mas

The activities

Outdoor activity park in the Gorges du Tarn near Millau in the South of France

The activities of Acroparc

Remember to book. Access to the courses is organised by slot for greater comfort.

Thank you for your trust. Gilles, Rémi and Yoann

A terrain, adventure park where sensations and emotions mingle to flirt with a sweet, beautiful and wild nature all together !

7 courses in the trees - Children's leisure area - Relaxation area and Snack - River access and private beach - Canoe, Paddle, Big Paddle and Tubbing - JUMP'airbag

Choosing Acroparc du Mas is the certainty of having at your disposal the maximum assets to live a great moment of adventure and a nature break !

Our adventures are varied and progressively more difficult, with a bit of height thrown in for good measure. They are conceived/designed/installed by climbing instructors and caving adventure course builders, whose only concerns are your enjoyment, your well-being and, of course, your safety.


In all modesty, Acroparc was the importer of this activity in Aveyron and moreover in the heart of the Gorges du Tarn. Our experience allowed us to select the most suitable river portions for this totally different activity of canoeing/kayaking/rafting.

For this activity, you must know how to swim, immerse yourself and be able to reach the shore independently.

A boat similar to rafting but for the individual this time.

Total freedom of movement for extraordinary stability. You can approach this activity in idle mode to let yourself be led to the rhythm of the currents and / or, with a player side, to enjoy the rapids and movements of water. The lightness of the equipment allows the most adventurous to go up the waterfalls to try different experiments. In forward motion, in reverse, all alone, in line, in spinning top, ... only your imagination will set the limits !

Discover the different routes in the gallery photos below.

The plus :

Take your picnic and choose your departure time to take a lunch break on a secret beach (waterproof can provided).

If the weather is unstable, or you are afraid of being cold, we provide you with combinations to fully enjoy the activity !

Adjustable and comfortable helmets provided on request.

Shuttle :

Because comfort matters, shuttles are carried out on board vehicles such as recent Renault Trafic. All our vehicles are professionally maintained and thoroughly cleaned daily.

Group :

A qualified instructor is available on request. Not included in the prices listed below. Free quote on request

Depending on your abilities and your motivation several courses are available to you :

  • "La Farniente" : ( La Cresse > Acroparc - 4km ) = 15€/pers
  • "La Sensas’" : ( La Sablière > Le Rozier - 4km ) = 21€/pers

Reservation on site or by phone only! Thank you 


Payment method :
Cash and for the vouchers on our website : creditcard.

Practical information

  • Knowing how to swim is imperative
  • Course: heels holding sneakers or sandals mandatory
  • Swimsuit / swimsuit / hat / cap / sunscreen highly recommended
  • Waterproof canisters provided free of charge
  • Bezel cords provided free of charge
  • Shaded terrace, snack, sunbeds, beach in free access
  • Sanitary facilities equipped with cabins and toilets

The tree courses :

  • The Mini moys : mobility pathway for 2-3 year olds New version in 2022
  • The Bambino : from 5 years old (around 1 m)  New version in 2022                             
  • The Découverte : from 7 years old (around 1m15)
  • The Aventure : from 9 years old (around 1m25) New version in 2023
  • The Tyro speed : from 9 years old (around 1m25)   New Version in 2021
  • The Tarzan jump : from 9 years old (around 1m25)    New Version in 2021 
  • The Rando Tyro : from 12 ans (around 1m40)    New Version in 2021
  • The Grimpalabre : from 12ans (around 1m40)    

Options that decipher :

  • 2 Tyros splashs : children and adults
  • Le JUMP'air BAG : from 5 years old

Leisure area Children from 2 to 10 years old :

  • Inflatable games
  • Jumpy area (large area of hanging nets)
  • Water slide: from 5 years old under the supervision of parents 
  • Tubular slide
  • Pedal karts (from 2/3 years old)
  • Slackline
  • Mini Moys" mobility trail from 2/3 years old

And also :

Acroparc du Mas is also a unique partnership with B&ABA Sport Nature, for all your outdoor activities supervised by passionate guides : Canyon - Rando Aqua - Caving - Via ferrata - Climbing... Some of these activities have been imagined and adapted to accommodate the youngest, from 3 years old !

More ?

Discover our other outdoor activities with B&ABA Sport Nature

Two companies, one state of mind, one team :
B&ABA Sport Nature offers you several sports and family outdoor activities, from 3 years old.

Contact us
Route des Gorges du Tarn
12520 Aguessac
+33 (0)6 70 70 95 94
Opening hours
Summer holidays :
Every day from 10am to 6pm
Follow us
And also :

Acroparc du Mas - Constructions / Creations